Easy ways to prepare Edikang Ikong | Ewacoltd
When the meat is done, add a generous amount of palm oil, the Crayfish and pepper and leave to boil for about 10 Minutes. The palm oil serves as water in the Edikang Ikong soup. You should try as much as possible to make it the only liquid in the soup.Add the Periwinkle and water leaves and leave to cook for another 5 Minutes. You may have to cook at a lesser time at this stage so that the water leaves won’t be overcooked.Now add the pumpkin leaves and salt to taste. Stir the contents of the pot very well and turn off heat. Cover the pot and leave to stand for about 5 Minutes. And then the Edikang Ikong soup is ready to be served with Garri (Eba), Semolina, Semovita, Amala or Pounded Yam. The Nigerian Edikang Ikong soup or simply vegetable soup is native to the Efiks, people from Akwa Ibom and Cross River state in Nigeria, Africa. It is a general notion that the Edikang Ikong soup is very nutritious and this is very much so prepared with a generous quantity or a big quantity of pumpkin leaves and water leaves, this recipe is very nourishing because of the vegetable used to prepare the Edikang Ikong Recipe.It is common for Nigerians to request this soup recipe after a bout of illness as we trust it to replenish whatever that might be lost during the sickness.